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Kelas Intensif Sertifikasi Grafologi Comprehensive akan diadakan:
Tanggal: 9-13 November 2024 (Sabtu, Minggu, Senin, Selasa)
Pukul: 08.00-17.00 WIB
Lokasi: Hotel UTC Dago, Bandung
Important Information and Declaration
I understand and certify that as a KAROHS courses registrant, I may view, read and study all the materials that are part of the KAROHS courses. I may also copy the sentences and paragraphs from the trait description books into any analysis or KAROHS test exercises that I personally write.
I may not share, publish or in any manner distribute to other parties the KAROHS courses, either whole or in part unless permission is given in writing by Dr. Karohs to do so.
I further understand that am not permitted to use KAROHS study materials for teaching or training purposes of other individuals in any form.
I further understand that graduating from a KAROHS course does not, under any circumstances, permit or empower me to certify, or issue diplomas, or certificates related to handwriting analysis to other parties or individuals based upon a KAROHS course, or any kind of course, that is based up, copied from, either verbatim or reworded, any KAROHS course or study material. I understand that this applies during my tenure as a student and after graduation. Violations will be vigorously pursued.
The KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis® reserves the right to refuse enrollment to individuals who are concurrently enrolled in, or affiliated with, any other handwriting analysis school or graphology teaching or learning center.
The teaching materials of the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis® are based upon decades of painstaking, scientifically founded research and investigation. While we are aware that there are other fine graphology schools, there are also those whose teachings are unreliable, sensationalized, or lifted verbatim or reworded from other handwriting analysis courses. Experience has shown that it leads to confusion on the part of the student and causes an unnecessarily heavy burden on our support department, when students try to reconcile our study materials with other specious graphology theories. For that reason, the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis® reserves the right to refuse enrollment to individuals who are concurrently enrolled in, or affiliated with, any other handwriting analysis school or graphology teaching or learning center.
Providing false information about association with other handwriting analysis teaching entities during enrollment, or during tenure as a student will lead to immediate termination of the enrollment status and all rights and privileges pertaining thereto, including the right to a diploma.
You are welcome to consider and ask questions before buying our books, registering for a course, or taking our intensive classes. After registering and making a payment, there is no refund for purchases made for any reason.
We are making great efforts to supply only high-quality material to all of our customers, and we are diligent in shipping books & study materials promptly. In the unlikely case that any of the material should be defective, the defective item may be returned, within 30 days from the date of purchase. Returned material must be in original condition and if an item is defective and needs to be returned, please contact us immediately at https://www.karohs.com/contact-us/ with a request for a Retur Authorization. (note that the exchange the material will only be given for defective items)
Graphology is not an exact science and, like psychology, there are several schools of thought representing different major theories in the field, foremost among them the trait stroke or the Gestalt approach. Our study materials are based upon principles developed and taught by renowned and recognized graphologists or graphology schools. Our teaching materials and the approach we are using are not only extensively and clearly explained on our website, we are usually sending extensive catalogues, including pictures of the study materials, upon a customer’s inquiry about certain books or courses. For that reason, no refunds can be given on the grounds that a customer does not agree with the content of our study materials.
I certify that I have read the “Important Information and Declaration” and agree with the terms and conditions set forth therein.
Pendaftaran Affiliate / Referral Program:
Ketentuan Program Affiliate
Program Affiliate adalah program kerja sama berbagi hasil kepada anggota affiliate yang mereferensikan orang lain untuk mendaftar grafologi dilayanan kami.
Keikutsertaan program affiliate bersifat terbuka bagi siapa saja & tidak dikenakan biaya.
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